sabato 7 aprile 2012

Effect Of Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation studies are uncovering something shocking: the physical effects of sleep deprivation appear to have their tentacles in at least 17 different health conditions.
It's scary.
That's why sleep should never be looked on as a nuisance or waste of time. It's an absolute necessity for human health and longevity. For example, you wouldn't say, "Gee, stopping to put gas in my car is a waste of time. I think I'll skip it." Or, "I never change the oil in my car. It takes too much time."
Your car will break down. Just as you will break down if you do not get enough sleep. Yet, in an attempt to get more done every day, millions of people cut back on sleep. They seem to take sleep for granted, almost like it's an afterthought.
Bad idea.
Sleep doctors have been sounding the alarm. Sleep must become a priority, an urgency in your life, just as much as the urgency you feel when your car is almost out of gas and you're driving on a dark, lonely stretch of road.
So if you need an incentive to get some sleep, take a look at this list of physical effects of sleep deprivation.

Effects of Sleep Deprivation

1. Sleep deprivation—alarming new studies on heart disease.
Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in the United States. And to think that sleep deprivation plays some part in it boggles the mind. 2. Sleep deprivation and anger.
Research has shown a correlation between hostility and increased sleep disturbance. So don't blow your stack...sleep on it instead!
3. Sleep deprivation and fatigue.
Consider this—over 100,000 car accidents in North America occur every year due to sleep deprivation. 1,500 dead people. Sad, tragic, and unnecessary.
4. Physical effects of sleep deprivation and weight gain.
Sleep deprivation research shows a link between lack of sleep, weight gain, and obesity. So if you're trying to lose some weight, be sure to check out my articles below on weight loss.

Depression, stress, and anxiety

5. Sleep deprivation and anxiety.
Recent research suggests that sleep deprivation can cause anxiety, fear, and worry.

6. Physical effects of sleep deprivation on stress.
Stress is an ongoing part of life in our world today. And it can have a huge negative effect on your body and brain.
7. Sleep deprivation and depression.
Not getting enough sleep can actually cause depression in some people. And almost all people with depression have problems sleeping. Important note: If your mood, stress, and worries are what causes insomnia and sleep deprivation for you, natural help is available.

Diabetes and high blood pressure

8. Sleep deprivation and blood sugar.
Researchers have discovered a connection between sleep deprivation and diabetes, in particular, type 2 diabetes. Fortunately, one company has worked hard to create a formula that helps support the health of people with diabetes.
9. Sleep deprivation effects on high blood pressure.
Studies have shown that people who sleep less than five to six hours a night have a significantly higher risk for high blood pressure.
Below, you can read more about the effects of sleep deprivation on high blood pressure.

More Sleep Deprivation Effects

Physical effects of sleep deprivation also encompass all of the following:
10. Infections and weaker immune system
11. Frustration with life. Perhaps this is why alcohol and drug abuse are signs of sleep deprivation.
12. Irritability
13. Sleep deprivation and memory (includes reduced cognitive function, decreased mental sharpness, lack of focus and drive).
14. Blurred vision
15. Increased pain
16. May lead to a shortened life expectancy
17. Inflammation (a factor in numerous diseases, including certain types of cancer)
So there you have a quick overview of the physical effects of sleep deprivation. Who knew these things about sleep and health? Now think sleep is something you can skimp on?
By the way, it's interesting to note that studies are also showing that for adults, consistently sleeping more than nine hours a day may also lead to poor health. The magic target zone for health seems to be to consistently get seven to nine hours sleep daily for most adults.
Keep in mind though, as I pointed out in my article, 4 Essential Facts About Insomnia (see below), everyone is different in how much sleep they need for optimum health.
And as you continue to read through Sleep Passport, also keep in mind that there are ways for you to overcome most sleep disorders. In Sleep Passport, I will explore every avenue to helping you fight off the physical effects of sleep deprivation.

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