domenica 8 aprile 2012
The Importance of Vitamin D
Physicians have long understood the role of vitamin D in bone growth. Recently, though, new attention has focused on the role of vitamin D in many other body processes, including the functioning of immune and neural cells. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with an increased susceptibility to influenza and tuberculosis infections; cardiovascular, autoimmune, and neurodegenerative diseases; and multiple cancers, including colon, breast, ovary, and prostate. Given the importance of this vitamin to overall health and the role of ultraviolet sunlight in producing it, strategies to raise vitamin D levels – without harmful sun exposure – has been the subject of recent controversy. Vitamin D is a steroid hormone that is produced in humans in a series of steps. There are several forms of vitamin D found in nature, labeled D1–D5. The human body generates the D3 form of the vitamin; some plants and other organisms produce alternative forms of the vitamin (D1–D2, D4–D5). In humans, the first step in vitamin D3 production occurs in the outermost layer of skin (the epidermis) in response to exposure to ultraviolet light (UVB, specifically). This results in the formation of an inactive vitamin D3 precursor, which must travel through the bloodstream to the liver, where the next step occurs. After a second chemical reaction, an additional precursor is formed that travels through the bloodstream to the kidneys, where the final conversion step takes place. The end result is the production of the biologically active form of the hormone called 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol. Thus, the pathway to generation of the active hormone is a complex interaction between 3 organ systems (the skin, the liver, and the kidneys) and exposure to ultraviolet light.
The intensity and type of ultraviolet exposure (ie, the appropriate wavelengths) are key factors that influence the first step involving the skin. The intensity of ultraviolet light is related to the distance from the equator and the time of year of the exposure. Additionally, the amount of natural melanin (pigment) in the skin determines how much ultraviolet light can penetrate. Individuals with darker skin require a longer exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays to produce the same amount of vitamin D3 precursors that are produced in individuals with lighter skin. Along with melanin, one of the body’s natural filters for ultraviolet light, sunscreens and sun blocks can also influence the amount of vitamin D3 precursor that is produced. Maintaining adequate levels of the biologically active form of the vitamin also requires normal functioning of the liver and kidneys, as they are also critical sites in the production of the vitamin.
In addition to sun exposure, increasing vitamin D levels can also be achieved through dietary souces – the richest include fatty fish, such as herring, catfish, mackerel, and tuna. Additionally, many foods are now fortified with vitamin D, including milk, yogurt, cereals, and bread. Because the human body can use both D3 and D2 forms of the vitamin, taking an over-the-counter daily multivitamin tablet that contains vitamin D2 is an easy way to increase the body’s vitamin D level. Given the risks of long-term sun exposure, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends that we raise levels of vitamin D through use of dietary sources and supplements rather than increasing time in the sun or refraining from sunscreen use.
The intensity and type of ultraviolet exposure (ie, the appropriate wavelengths) are key factors that influence the first step involving the skin. The intensity of ultraviolet light is related to the distance from the equator and the time of year of the exposure. Additionally, the amount of natural melanin (pigment) in the skin determines how much ultraviolet light can penetrate. Individuals with darker skin require a longer exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays to produce the same amount of vitamin D3 precursors that are produced in individuals with lighter skin. Along with melanin, one of the body’s natural filters for ultraviolet light, sunscreens and sun blocks can also influence the amount of vitamin D3 precursor that is produced. Maintaining adequate levels of the biologically active form of the vitamin also requires normal functioning of the liver and kidneys, as they are also critical sites in the production of the vitamin.
In addition to sun exposure, increasing vitamin D levels can also be achieved through dietary souces – the richest include fatty fish, such as herring, catfish, mackerel, and tuna. Additionally, many foods are now fortified with vitamin D, including milk, yogurt, cereals, and bread. Because the human body can use both D3 and D2 forms of the vitamin, taking an over-the-counter daily multivitamin tablet that contains vitamin D2 is an easy way to increase the body’s vitamin D level. Given the risks of long-term sun exposure, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends that we raise levels of vitamin D through use of dietary sources and supplements rather than increasing time in the sun or refraining from sunscreen use.
sabato 7 aprile 2012
Difference Between Sadness and Depression
Depression is generally associated with the condition of being in an extreme state of sadness. But there is more to the condition of depression and it would be wrong to associate depression directly with sadness. There is a world’s difference between the two.
Sadness is said to be an integral part of human life. All of us will and have experienced sadness at some point in time or the other. Depression, however, needn’t be a part of everyone’s life. Depression is more or less like a physical illness which is said to have a number of symptoms that go beyond just being in an unhappy state of mind.
If a person suffers from depressive mood disorders, it would mean that he would have a depressed mood all the time or might be disinterested in taking pleasure from daily activities. This kind of a frame of mind will generally last for two weeks and above in the case of a person inflicted by depression.
When the person’s mood begins to impair his daily life, it can be termed as depression.
If all of these tips do not help you in distinguishing clearly between depression and sadness, and if you do doubt the existence of either in a friend or a family member, it would be advisable to take medical help and get evaluations done by a professional at the earliest.
The Difference between Sadness and Depression:
Snap Out of It:
When a person suffers from clinical depression, it would indicate that he doesn’t find a logical reasoning behind the way these dark feelings engulf him. The fact that his family and friends will want him to snap out of it would be impossible for him to comply with. He cannot ‘snap out of it’ any more than a diabetic can force his pancreas to correct its production of insulin. It isn’t a matter that is in his hands anymore.The Feelings:
Sadness is said to be more like a transient feeling. It passes over each and every person as they try to deal with their own set of troubles. Depression, on the other hand, could last for a number of years.Life comes to a Standstill:
In the case of a person grappling with sadness, he will feel bad about the situation that he is in currently, but that won’t stop him from moving on with life. In the case of a depressed person, however, there will be feelings of being hopeless and constantly overwhelmed with the life that he’s leading.The Criteria for Major Depression:
When the person’s mood begins to impair his daily life, it can be termed as depression.
Depression and Substance Abuse:
In some cases people might experience depression that is a direct result of alcohol, drugs or other medications. This will not result in a major depressive episode; but will, in fact, only cause for a temporary lull in their lives.Bereavement and Depression:
When bereavement gets associated with depression, it could end up displaying symptoms which are displayed for longer than a 2 month period. This period will be marked by feelings of being constantly preoccupied with self-worthlessness, suicidal tendencies, psychomotor retardation, functional impairment and psychotic symptoms.If all of these tips do not help you in distinguishing clearly between depression and sadness, and if you do doubt the existence of either in a friend or a family member, it would be advisable to take medical help and get evaluations done by a professional at the earliest.
Effect Of Sleep Deprivation
Sleep deprivation studies are uncovering something shocking: the physical effects of sleep deprivation appear to have their tentacles in at least 17 different health conditions.
It's scary.
That's why sleep should never be looked on as a nuisance or waste of time. It's an absolute necessity for human health and longevity. For example, you wouldn't say, "Gee, stopping to put gas in my car is a waste of time. I think I'll skip it." Or, "I never change the oil in my car. It takes too much time."
Your car will break down. Just as you will break down if you do not get enough sleep. Yet, in an attempt to get more done every day, millions of people cut back on sleep. They seem to take sleep for granted, almost like it's an afterthought.
Bad idea.
Sleep doctors have been sounding the alarm. Sleep must become a priority, an urgency in your life, just as much as the urgency you feel when your car is almost out of gas and you're driving on a dark, lonely stretch of road.
So if you need an incentive to get some sleep, take a look at this list of physical effects of sleep deprivation.
Effects of Sleep Deprivation
1. Sleep deprivation—alarming new studies on heart disease.Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in the United States. And to think that sleep deprivation plays some part in it boggles the mind. 2. Sleep deprivation and anger.
Research has shown a correlation between hostility and increased sleep disturbance. So don't blow your stack...sleep on it instead!
3. Sleep deprivation and fatigue.
Consider this—over 100,000 car accidents in North America occur every year due to sleep deprivation. 1,500 dead people. Sad, tragic, and unnecessary.
4. Physical effects of sleep deprivation and weight gain.
Sleep deprivation research shows a link between lack of sleep, weight gain, and obesity. So if you're trying to lose some weight, be sure to check out my articles below on weight loss.
Depression, stress, and anxiety
5. Sleep deprivation and anxiety.Recent research suggests that sleep deprivation can cause anxiety, fear, and worry.
Stress is an ongoing part of life in our world today. And it can have a huge negative effect on your body and brain.
7. Sleep deprivation and depression.
Not getting enough sleep can actually cause depression in some people. And almost all people with depression have problems sleeping. Important note: If your mood, stress, and worries are what causes insomnia and sleep deprivation for you, natural help is available.
Diabetes and high blood pressure
8. Sleep deprivation and blood sugar.Researchers have discovered a connection between sleep deprivation and diabetes, in particular, type 2 diabetes. Fortunately, one company has worked hard to create a formula that helps support the health of people with diabetes.
9. Sleep deprivation effects on high blood pressure.
Studies have shown that people who sleep less than five to six hours a night have a significantly higher risk for high blood pressure.
Below, you can read more about the effects of sleep deprivation on high blood pressure.
More Sleep Deprivation Effects
Physical effects of sleep deprivation also encompass all of the following:10. Infections and weaker immune system
11. Frustration with life. Perhaps this is why alcohol and drug abuse are signs of sleep deprivation.
12. Irritability
13. Sleep deprivation and memory (includes reduced cognitive function, decreased mental sharpness, lack of focus and drive).
14. Blurred vision
15. Increased pain
16. May lead to a shortened life expectancy
17. Inflammation (a factor in numerous diseases, including certain types of cancer)
So there you have a quick overview of the physical effects of sleep deprivation. Who knew these things about sleep and health? Now think sleep is something you can skimp on?
By the way, it's interesting to note that studies are also showing that for adults, consistently sleeping more than nine hours a day may also lead to poor health. The magic target zone for health seems to be to consistently get seven to nine hours sleep daily for most adults.
Keep in mind though, as I pointed out in my article, 4 Essential Facts About Insomnia (see below), everyone is different in how much sleep they need for optimum health.
And as you continue to read through Sleep Passport, also keep in mind that there are ways for you to overcome most sleep disorders. In Sleep Passport, I will explore every avenue to helping you fight off the physical effects of sleep deprivation.
venerdì 6 aprile 2012
What you need to eat to remove cellulite
Do you in any way feel hesitant about trying out a cellulite diet because you feel like you have exhausted all possibilities in purging your cellulites but then to no avail? Well, perhaps you are focusing your attention on the wrong techniques of how to get rid of your cellulites.
First, it is important that you realize the role of having a good diet on your body, particularly on your cellulites. Knowing how to get rid of these fatty deposits underneath your skin layers is very crucial to be healthy and fit. The usual crash diets and anti-cellulite creams have been confirmed not to give very favorable results. So why settle for them and waste your money in the first place? Why don’t you consider going on a cellulite diet and see for yourself whether it really works against cellulites or not? Here are just a few of the benefits you may obtain if you will decide to give Cellulite Diet a try:
Protein-Rich Foods: Prepare a nutritional plan and list down a lot of protein-rich foods in your list. Proteins are well known for toning up muscles and at the same time, evening out the fats. Increase your consumption of lean meats and steer clear of fatty meats like the ones you find in bacons and beef patties. Try boosting your protein intake by eating more chicken and fish meat. To really ensure getting rid of cellulites without resorting to liposuction or mesotherapy, consider the enumerated food items above so that you may know what you will need to include in your diet. In doing so, you will find your cellulites vanishing in no time.
Fish: Another very indispensable food item that you should not forget to include in your cellulite diet is the fatty fish and fish oils. They have been proven to contain a lot of essential fatty acids that you will need to help you get rid of your cellulites. They are also confirmed to be effective in strengthening the skin cells as well as improving the texture of lumpiness in your legs, thighs, hips and buttocks will surely be gone in no time.
Lean Meats:
Aside from fish, lean meats should also make a big part of your cellulite diet especially that they are very high in protein content. Poultry as well can be very useful in getting rid of your cellulites since they too, abound in protein that can strengthen your body necessary to flush out the toxins responsible for formation of cellulites. This is why it is highly recommended that you follow the guide about what foods you will need to include in your Cellulite Diet as provided in this article. Make your move now. Change your diet and see your cellulites gone very soon.
Fruits & Vegetables: In addition, there are the fruits and vegetables that you must not forget. Go for the greener or brighter vegetables since color is associated with the amount of oxidants they have. In short, choose vegetables that have brighter colors. After all; the more antioxidants in your body, the fewer free radicals you will have. Simply put, the less cellulite will form in your body. It would also be good to drink a lot of fruit juices everyday. Try substituting these drinks to sodas which definitely have no nutritional value at all.
Water: Last but not least, there is also water to consider. Not too many are aware that water is another factor that plays a very important role in cellulite removal. Increasing intake of water has been proven to help get rid of cellulites in both men and women. This may be attributed to the fact that water is very good in flushing toxins out of the body which as you may know are the culprits for cellulite formation. By drinking more than the required amount of water, you can be certain that you are on your first step to guaranteed cellulite removal.
Using An Effective Guide For Cellulite Diet To Wipe Out Cellulites For Good
These diet options are all natural so there is no need to worry about your safety. They are all easily accessible so finding them should not be at all difficult.
You could be interested in : Ways to reduce cellulites
Laser Treatment for cellulite
First, it is important that you realize the role of having a good diet on your body, particularly on your cellulites. Knowing how to get rid of these fatty deposits underneath your skin layers is very crucial to be healthy and fit. The usual crash diets and anti-cellulite creams have been confirmed not to give very favorable results. So why settle for them and waste your money in the first place? Why don’t you consider going on a cellulite diet and see for yourself whether it really works against cellulites or not? Here are just a few of the benefits you may obtain if you will decide to give Cellulite Diet a try:
Protein-Rich Foods: Prepare a nutritional plan and list down a lot of protein-rich foods in your list. Proteins are well known for toning up muscles and at the same time, evening out the fats. Increase your consumption of lean meats and steer clear of fatty meats like the ones you find in bacons and beef patties. Try boosting your protein intake by eating more chicken and fish meat. To really ensure getting rid of cellulites without resorting to liposuction or mesotherapy, consider the enumerated food items above so that you may know what you will need to include in your diet. In doing so, you will find your cellulites vanishing in no time.
Fish: Another very indispensable food item that you should not forget to include in your cellulite diet is the fatty fish and fish oils. They have been proven to contain a lot of essential fatty acids that you will need to help you get rid of your cellulites. They are also confirmed to be effective in strengthening the skin cells as well as improving the texture of lumpiness in your legs, thighs, hips and buttocks will surely be gone in no time.
Lean Meats:
Aside from fish, lean meats should also make a big part of your cellulite diet especially that they are very high in protein content. Poultry as well can be very useful in getting rid of your cellulites since they too, abound in protein that can strengthen your body necessary to flush out the toxins responsible for formation of cellulites. This is why it is highly recommended that you follow the guide about what foods you will need to include in your Cellulite Diet as provided in this article. Make your move now. Change your diet and see your cellulites gone very soon.
Fruits & Vegetables: In addition, there are the fruits and vegetables that you must not forget. Go for the greener or brighter vegetables since color is associated with the amount of oxidants they have. In short, choose vegetables that have brighter colors. After all; the more antioxidants in your body, the fewer free radicals you will have. Simply put, the less cellulite will form in your body. It would also be good to drink a lot of fruit juices everyday. Try substituting these drinks to sodas which definitely have no nutritional value at all.
Water: Last but not least, there is also water to consider. Not too many are aware that water is another factor that plays a very important role in cellulite removal. Increasing intake of water has been proven to help get rid of cellulites in both men and women. This may be attributed to the fact that water is very good in flushing toxins out of the body which as you may know are the culprits for cellulite formation. By drinking more than the required amount of water, you can be certain that you are on your first step to guaranteed cellulite removal.
Using An Effective Guide For Cellulite Diet To Wipe Out Cellulites For Good
These diet options are all natural so there is no need to worry about your safety. They are all easily accessible so finding them should not be at all difficult.
You could be interested in : Ways to reduce cellulites
Laser Treatment for cellulite
Laser Treatment For Cellulite
There are a lot of diseases which can be cured by the laser. It is a recommended treatment for it results to very little to no pain. Lasers are used in treating and improving the look of cellulite. What it does is stimulate the affected area to improve the circulation which will then allowing the body to start healing the damaged cells that made the little bumps and lumps we call cellulite. One of the most popular laser treatments is the TriActive. It combines massage as well as laser treatment to the affected areas.
Laser Cellulite Removal
Laser cellulite removal can be really effective, though different patients may respond at an unlike rate with the procedure. In line with its effectiveness is its cost. Obviously, everything that works good and well comes with a price. A single session of the laser treatment will cost you around $100. 10 to 15 consecutive sessions are needed before one finally gets rid all of the cellulite in the body.
Other than the risk on your wallet, there are no other dangers in laser treatment. The healing process might include some products to be used in order to make the skin look tighter and firm. That will make the entire treatment worth all the money you spend.
Cellulite is probably one of the most difficult skin conditions to treat. It is because the involvement of fats and more so because they are stranded underneath the layers of the skin. The laser cellulite removal will promote the burning off the fats in order for it to move away from the clusters of body fats in a certain area in the body. That way, we can start enjoying our bathing suits and the like attires. There is no more to hide after the laser for cellulite.
There are also remedies which you can use if the laser is not for you. There are products you can use as well as routines that you can perform that will help get rid of the cellulites. However, they are expected to be of slow results compared to the laser. They are still effective though.
The key to having a good looking body is to always stay healthy and stick to the things and routines that will keep your body fit.
Ways To Reduce Cellulite
Cellulite is an unfortunate reality for most women. About eight out of 10 women have this common condition that causes fat to appear as dimpled skin on the thighs, hips and buttocks, according to While cellulite creams and massage techniques promise to rid the body of these unwanted markings, few actually produce noticeable results. Reducing cellulite may be possible with proper diet, exercise and some laser procedures.
Poor eating habits, fad diets and a lack of proper hydration may contribute to cellulite, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC). Eating a nutritious diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables and fiber, along with keeping your body well-hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, may help minimize cellulite.
An inactive lifestyle can add to the development of cellulite, according to the National Institutes of Health. Regular exercise encourages your body to build muscle, and helps it maintain skin texture and tone. Strengthening muscles in your legs, thighs and buttocks can improve the appearance of dimpled skin. A good rule of thumb is to get at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity--such as jogging, brisk walking or swimming--at least five days a week.
Keep in mind that you can't completely make cellulite disappear once you have it, no matter how much your exercise or how many pounds you shed, notes the UMMC. Although excess weight can encourage cellulite formation, the condition may still exist in in leaner individuals since everyone some degree of fat just under the surface of the skin.
Keep in mind that you can't completely make cellulite disappear once you have it, no matter how much your exercise or how many pounds you shed, notes the UMMC. Although excess weight can encourage cellulite formation, the condition may still exist in in leaner individuals since everyone some degree of fat just under the surface of the skin.
Laser and Radiofrequency Treatments
Lasers and radiofrequency systems show great potential as remedies for cellulite reduction, according to One system uses a combination of negative tissue massage, radiofrequency and infrared light to treat cellulite. The other procedure delivers tissue massage with diode laser energy to help smooth dimpled skin. A series of treatments performed twice a week is usually necessary. Results can last up to six months.
Don't Smoke
Smoking appears to increase the likelihood of cellulite, according to It may also accentuate its appearance once you have it. If you smoke, quitting may lower your risk of developing or worsening the condition.
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